Association des Polytechniciens Khmers (AXK) is a non-commercial and non-political association under french law of 1901.

AXK has a goal to maintain and to develop the solidarity and the friendship among the khmer students and ancient students of Ecole Polytechnique as well as those from Grandes Ecoles in Paris region.

AXK acts as following :
1. Organise the khmer cultural activities in France
2. Organise the seminars, the colloques or the conferences on different themes
3. Participate in educative, scientific, technology and technical activities
4. Participate in sustainable development in Cambodia
5. Participate in international cooperation with respect to our objectives. 

AXK  budget is supported by :
1. Membership contribution
2. Donation and grant
3. Fund raising from cultural and sportive activities

For more information:
Status of AXK (French)
Chart of AXK (French)
Organigram of AXK chart