AXk NEWSletter N°2

In this number, as excited as it looks on the cover, we cover an introduction to nuclear power plant, some misconceptions of climate change, the earthquake and some Mathematics. Click here to read full AXK Newsletter N°2 if you are curious what we have written. 

AXK Newsletter n° 1

We wrote scientific articles in Khmer and share to the public. In this number, we cover Mathematics, a secret behind a card trick, a book review, a method in manufacturing and an exclusive interview. Click here to read the full AXK newsletter N°1.

polysource project 2017-2019

Association des Polytechniciens Khmers (AXK) had participated in humanitarian project to provide clean water to people and students surrounding the Bakheng pagoda near Phnom Penh in collaboration with Université Polytech Paris Sud, IUT d’Orsay, and Institut d’Optique.

Initially, the project was to provide clean water to a distant village Preah Andong in Battambang. But, later, the system was moved to Bakheng for study the filtration, and it is later installed there.

For further information, you can find in the following … link. 

General Assembly of AXK 2020

Association des Polytechniciens Khmers (AXK) organized the annual General Assembly on the 22th of February 2020 on the campus of Ecole Polytechnique. 

Ceremony of commemoration of founder of PSE 2019

Association des Polytechniciens Khmers (AXK) participated in organising the memorial buddhist ceremony for PSE (Pour un Sourire d’Enfant) founder, Christian de Pallières on 29 September 2019.

Memorandom of understanding (MOU) between AXK and ITC 2019

On 03 October 2019, AXK’s president visited ITC and have signed the MOU between AXK and ITC on several points :

  • collaboration in guidance of ITC intern student
  • seek of volunteer members to accomplish the above statement
  • intern topic proposal from AXK members
  • conference organization at ITC
  • Aid in search of scholarship for ITC students

Khmer New year at l'X

On 17 April 2019, AXK and binet X-Khmer celebrated Khmer New year on the campus of Ecole Polytechnique.

Fund raising for Project polysources

Launched a fund raising for project Polysources on 14 April 2019 by selling khmer cakes and drinks at Vincent pagoda, Paris during Khmer New year.

General Assembly of AXK 2019

Association des Polytechniciens Khmers (AXK) organised her general assembly on 09 March 2019 on the campus of Ecole Polytechnique. 

AXK's Extraordinary general assembly

On 24 November 2018, AXK gathered its active members for an extraordinary general assembly that focused on strengthening interior and exterior problem solving strategies, and also preparing for the upcoming year.

aids for boeung sbov school

An active member of AXK, Pichatha KIM, participated in humanitarian action in aiding a school in a rural area in Kampong Chhnang, Sala Boeung Sbov in 2018. Members of AXK did a fund raising among her members to collect budgets for Hatha to support  children and school there.

AXK seminar day

 Association des Polytechniciens Khmers (AXK) organised a seminar on “A day in my research” presented by Kimsy TOR on 25th of August 2018 at Polytechnique.

Khmer new year 2018 a l'ecole polytechnique

 Association des Polytechniciens Khmers (AXK) collaborated with Binet X-Khmer (Association of Khmer students of Ecole Polytechnique) organised a cultural event of khmer new year on 17 April 2018 … Link to events.

L'Association des Polytechniciens Khmers (AXK) a organisé son Assemblée Générale 2018 le 24 février qui a eu lieu sur le Campus de l'Ecole Polytechnique à Palaiseau. Cette Assemblée durait environ 4 heures de 14h00 à 18h00.

AXK General assembly 2018

Association des Polytechniciens Khmers (AXK) organised her general assembly on 24 February 2018 on the campus of Ecole Polytechnique. 

start of short video project 2017

An active member, Kimang KHUN initiated short video project on different subjects in order to share knowledges to common people by inviting guests from different domains to present their ideas.


Association des Polytechniciens Khmers (AXK) participated in organising the memorial buddhist ceremony for PSE (pour sourire d’enfant) founder, Christian de Pallières on 24 September 2017.


Association des Polytechniciens Khmers (AXK) collaborated with Binet X-Khmer (Association of Khmer students of Ecole Polytechnique) organised a cultural event of khmer new year on 11 Mai 2017.

fundraising for a project polysource

Association des Polytechniciens Khmers (AXK) collaborated with students of Polytech Paris Sud organised a fund raising event in order to help their project in building a water purification system in a rural village in Cambodia.


On  December 2016, with opportunity to obtain a donation of HPC system (estimated price of 30K USD) from University of Anvers of Belgium, AXK have coordinated the demand proposals with ITC projects. On February 2017, we have accomplished to obtain the system installed at ITC.

mourning ceremony FOR christian des palieres, founder of pse 2016

With initiation of an hounor member, Buntha EA KIM, we participated with other organisations in order to celebrate a mourning ceremony at Maison du Cambodge for founder of PSE, Christian des Palières who dedicated his life to help Cambodian children.


On 27 May 2016, after being able to organise an event together, we reunited as a solid group to found an association of student and ancient students of khmer polytechnicien in order to solidate our friendship and to work together on social activities. we were organising a meeting to discuss about the foundation.


With support of Ming Buntha Ea Kim, a group of students at Ecole Polytechnique and students from other schools collaborated with Binet X-Khmer (Association of Khmer students of Ecole Polytechnique) organised a cultural event of khmer new year on 14 April 2016.