Preparation courses​

In the previous page, you already discover the type of scholarship you can apply, the institutions you want to pursue your study. In this page, however, the contents are mostly dedicated to students who prepare for the admission at Ecole Polytechnique. You can find the test models in both written and oral exam, proposed by alumni at Ecole Polytechnique, which allows you to estimate the level of the real admission exam.

It is important to note that since 2016, the admission committee of Ecole Polytechnique has adopted the standard written exam in a form of problem solving in stead of  multiple choices questions. However, the oral test remains the same. 

Mathematics Preparation

In order to prepare for mathematics examination, we propose the courses proposed by professor Jean-Michel Ferrard:

First year of classe préparatoire

Second year of classe préparatoire

We strongly recommend to revise all courses before taking the mathematics exam.

This website equally includes exercises and problems that you can train to reinforce your understanding of each lessons.

Physics Preparation

Physics is equally main subjects of the exam. We propose to work on fundamental physics of Richard Feynmann and summary courses by Alain Lerille.